CSEC Mathematics May 2018 paper 3 solutions
This is the first Mathematics Paper 3 for CSEC, being the alternate paper to the SBA. The paper has TWO questions and according to CXC "The given topic(s) may be from any section or combination of different sections of the syllabus". The duration of the paper is ONE hour.
The paper can be easy if you are competent in the areas chosen by CXC, if you are not, then I hope you took the time to do the SBA. My recommendation is that you do the SBA and have control over it rather than having CXC choose for you.
The paper can be easy if you are competent in the areas chosen by CXC, if you are not, then I hope you took the time to do the SBA. My recommendation is that you do the SBA and have control over it rather than having CXC choose for you.